Tuesday 18 May 2010

Clinque 3 Step System

My first blog is going to be about the clinque 3 step system. This system consists of 3 products which are a cleanser, and exfoliater and a moisturiser that you use twice daily. I had read many reviews on this product about people boasting about how good it is and how it had 'changed their life for the better'. This is also not a cheap system. The starter kit alone costs you £20 and that only lasts you about a month. I was very excited about when it first arrived in the post ( especially as it came with free 2 samples ). The first 2 weeks of using it, it didn't really do anything to my skin at all. It didn't make it worse it didn't make it any better, but as i approached my 3rd week it was a completely different story. One night i had to go to bed with a cold flannel on my face because it burnt my skin so much. It felt so hot and was literally bright red. My skin was also peeling and flaking off, which was horrible. I realised that this must be too harsh for my skin so i started to just use it once a day in the morning. This then again like the first two weeks did nothing to my skin. This product is useless. It's too harsh to use twice a day, but does nothing for you when you only use it once. I advise is not you waste your only on this product. It is very misleading and does not give you perfect skin as they like to advertise everywhere. The only good thing about this system is the moisturiser, it isn't GREAT but i will carry on using it until it runs out just to get my moneys worth out of it. But i will not be buying it again.

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